Wedding Crashers – Film Review

When you think of your special day, you probably don’t think about sharing it with Owen Wilson and Vince Vaughn. Be that your wedding day, or just a day at the movies! You might want to spend some of your day with this one though…

John and Jeremy are two guys who love going to random weddings, getting in and picking up chicks. That’s their plan and they’ve been doing it very successfully, as terrible as it may be morally… But then John finds a girl he really likes and the two guys are invited to spend a few days with the really rich family at their home. But they find it hard to keep up their lies and get involved with the very strange family. The central concept may be horrible in terms of invading one of the most special days in your life just to pick up girls, but it kind of works. It’s quite funny and a montage of them at numerous themed weddings is pretty funny. But, even though they are kind of terrible people, they’re still quite charming.

That’s largely due to Owen Wilson and Vince Vaughn’s performances. Look, if you don’t know what they’re like by now then I don’t know why you’d be watching this film. They play the exact same sort of characters that they usually play. Vaughn talks really fast and gets easily stressed. Wilson whines a bit and seems surprised often. Which is fine. It definitely works better in this film than others (*cough* looking at you ‘The Internship‘). Rachel McAdams is the one Wilson falls in love with and she’s fine. She doesn’t do anything that special and she serves the story well I guess. Christopher Walken plays the dad of McAdams and again, he’s fine. Walken makes anything work really but he just doesn’t get anything to really show off his talent here. Bradley Cooper is in there as an antagonist character who is a bit over-the-top, Isla Fisher is Vaughn’s crazy potential love and Will Ferrell has a pretty funny cameo as a former wedding and now funeral crasher. Everyone is fine really.

Luckily then that the film is quite funny. It probably goes on a bit long meaning the comedy is stretched a bit thin, but there’s enough laughs from the two main stars to keep it going. The romance parts aren’t all that amazing, but Wilson and McAdams have enough chemistry to keep it going throughout. My main problems are these: not enough laughs for a comedy movie and the main characters aren’t exactly the most likeable. Yes, there should be more laughs throughout, but that’s a common comedy problem. The problem is these two main characters are invading weddings for their own personal gain, lying to get into this family’s home and then trying to woo their daughters and we’re supposed to cheer for them? Maybe I’m reading into it a bit too much, but that seems a bit off to me.

But hey ho, this is a film and it isn’t real. And it’s still a reasonably enjoyable film! I laughed enough to count it as a fairly decent comedy film and it’s fun enough to maybe make me want to watch it again one day (probably….). It’s fun enough, but it could be better.


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