The Truman Show – Film Review

Jim Carrey is great at comedy, that much is clear. He’s wacky, he’s over the top and he’s extremely funny. But what is he like in a serious dramatic role? Well, this is the film that will show you, and it will show you that he is great!

Carrey is Truman Burbank, a friendly guy who lives on a nice little island, goes to work every day, says hi to the same few people over and over again and then comes home to his wife. Sounds like some sort of TV show routine right? Well that’s because it is! The whole island is one massive set and everyone living there are just actors hired to play their part. Except Truman, that is. And he also doesn’t know that his whole life has been a lie built on the premise of getting good ratings. But soon Truman starts to notice some strange goings on and begins to question his reality and consider escape…

It’s a very original and very interesting story. You really do come to feel for Truman. How would anyone feel if they found out their entire life was a well constructed lie? That’s crazy! Feeling sorry for Truman is only natural, but being able to relate so well to him is largely down to Carrey’s portrayal of the eponymous hero. He’s so sweet and innocent, so well meaning and inquisitive and so very lovable. It’s no surprise that within the film the entire world is captivated by a show about Truman, he’s such a great guy! The audience cries watching it and we cry watching them cry watching it! Carrey is so fantastic and this may be one of his finest performances.

Elsewhere, there is a great supporting role for Ed Harris, the guy who runs the show. He sits up in his big old control room watching Truman sleep, eat and go to work. He chooses which hidden camera streams when and he feeds heart-warming and gut-wrenching dialogue to the actors talking to Truman. He’s a man who knows what he wants and likes to have the power and control. He’s great and is very determined, no matter what the situation. One of those actors interacting with Truman is his own wife, Laura Linney. She’s great in everything and here is no different. From the way she not so subtly slips product placement adverts into everyday life to how she tries to reason with Truman that he is acting crazy. She even has a full on meltdown and makes it totally believable.

This really is a one of a kind film. Well, not anymore these days as there are very few original ideas and evrything is just being remade in a slightly different way, but this still feels original. It’s quite funny at times to, for a film about a man having a crisis of identity. Carrey is able to handle everything that comes his way, from th drama to the comedy to the raw emotions. And the story plays out so greatly too. You can help but cheer on Truman as he comes to realise the world around him and make his escape. He’s such a great hero and you just grow to love him almost instantly.

This really is a great film. The cast are amazing and the story is so fantastic. It’s up there as one of Carrey’s best and is a really great satire of reality television, one that seems especially relevant given the current dire state of our TV schedules… But this film is awesome and evryone should see it!


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